Search for your artists here. We'll find them for you!

Well, you voted for them, and you got them! Night Ranger is the new featured artist! There was talk about them working on a new album, and I was hoping it would be released by the time they got posted here. The latest word from Jeff Watson's official site is that they're taking 2006 off to work on their side projects, although according to Kelly Keagy on his MySpace page he was in California working on the new album as recently as 8/1/06. I guess we'll see what happens over the next few months!. Meanwhile, they all seem to be keeping busy with solo projects. Jeff Watson has a new solo CD coming out (and is working on another one), as well as a new Mothers Army CD, and recently spent time filming the movie 'Enchanted' for Disney. Kelly Keagy also has a solo album in the works. Brad Gillis appears on the latest Vicious Rumours CD and appears on a new Van Halen tribute album called 80s Metal Tribute To Van Halen. Jack Blades has been busy with the Rock and Roll Fantasy Camp, the Rock of Ages Musical in Las Vegas, and a Shaw Blades cover album. And there is probably more going on we don't even know about. Watch in upcoming months for more Night Ranger news!
Led Zeppelin to Reunite - Thursday, September 13, 2007
It was announced today that Led Zeppelin will be reuniting for a one-time appearance at a concert in memory of Ahmet Ertegun, co-founder of Atlantic Records. (full story) |
Have any news to list? E-mail it to

Jani Lane |
I know I haven't posted here in a while (it's been an insanely busy past few years) but I wanted to post something about Jani Lane's death and it was too long to fit on Facebook/Twitter:).
According to the latest news they still don't know the cause of death and might not for a couple of months.
I once got to see Warrant with Jani Lane, and if you haven't seen them you missed out, because surprisingly enough it was one of the best shows I have ever been to! Warrant were a lot better than most people gave them credit for, and as his solo album confirmed a lot of the talent in the band was his. The band was amazing live, and was in the ranks of such bands as Zebra, Van Halen, and Dream Theater as truly amazing live bands. I saw him and the keyboardist do an amazing rendition of "Bohemian Rhapsody" which I will never forget. It's a damn shame I'll never have a chance to see him live again.
So this is really sad news. I'll have to make sure I sing "I Saw Red" the next time I go to karaoke in his memory. It's one of my favorite songs to sing (and was written by him).
Posted by Sharan Volin on Saturday, August 13, 2011 at 04:32
A few Nightwish/Sonata Arctica Pictures |
I just thought I'd get a few quick pictures up:
Posted by Sharan Volin on Sunday, September 14, 2008 at 13:50
Nightwish and Sonata Arctica at the Wiltern |
Well, since taking detailed notes on concerts and planning on reviewing them here later didn't work out so well (I have notes on several concerts I went to a year ago that I still haven't written up), and I want to get some kind of review up here, I'm just going to write a quick review of the concert tonight.
I was pretty excited to see this one. I had to miss Nightwish the last time they came around here because of classes, and I'd seen Sonata Arctica twice at the Key Club and they put on an amazing show both times. So it was nice to be able to see them both together.
Sonata Arctica were of course good, but their set was way too short and the song selection wasn't as good as I could have hoped. They do have a lot of albums at this point, so choosing so few songs from that wide selection didn't really give them much chance to make everyone happy.
Nightwish had a lot more time and seemed to play a much wider variety to music. They also put on a good show. It was interesting seeing the new singer, although I was a little confused because the singer looked nothing like her photos, so either she completely changed her hair style AND color or they switched singers again. I haven't really kept up on the Nightwish soap opera, but it sounds like they still have the same singer on the official web page, so I guess she just decided to go blonde:).
I never did see them before, so I missed them with the original singer, which is too bad. This singer did a good job, but she's obviously not a trained opera singer like the last one so it would have been interesting to see them before too.
I also finally got to put my new cell phone through its paces so I should have some decent pictures from the show up here soon. (If it doesn't get up here you can blame the physics class I'm currently taking, which has me seriously overloaded with homework.)
Speaking of which, there is finally a light at the end of the tunnel. I would be graduating in December but I was unemployed for 3 months and had to take a full time job (as a game programmer for a company 3 blocks from my apartment). So now I'm in school part time and hoping to graduate in May. And once I do, I hope to finally have time to update this site regularly! So please bear with me until then!
Posted by Sharan Volin on Sunday, September 14, 2008 at 04:18
Summer Update News |
If you've been checking in here lately, you've noticed some changes around here. It's summertime again, which means I'm off from school and have a little more time to work on this site, and I've been taking advantage of it. Probably the biggest change around here is that I finally ditched my web host (whose e-mail was constantly unreliable, and who managed to break several parts of the site by changing the way things worked on me without bothering to warn me about it). The forum activation e-mails being broken (and none of the available options working) was the final straw. I have no idea how long it was broken before someone e-mailed me about it. But it IS working now on the new site, along with the rss feed for news (which was also apparently broken). The new host seems to be working well, although I found a few things I needed to fix after the switch. I think I fixed everything, but if you spot anything else I missed let me know!
In other big news, I've started filling in a few gaps where I added bands to the database that didn't have pages yet (you may have run into a few broken links in the Related Artists sections of the newest pages). The first band was Queensryche, and I think it's safe to say I now have the most comprehensive list of Queensryche links on the web right now (damn, they have a lot of web pages!). I'm already working on the next one (Styx) so look for that one within the next few weeks. Once I fill in those gaps (around 5 more bands) I'll start retrofitting all the existing bands to the new site format, and getting the links on those pages up to date.
In still more big news, as an experiment I'm paying a writer to send me news items, so I will have new news getting posted just about every day. It's only for a month now, but I might wind up extending it if things go well. So far the news has been going well (although it'll obviously take time to build up traffic here), and adding his news items has gotten me started adding a few of my own while I'm at it. I've also discovered MySpace is a good source for music news (I've started a personal one, and I'm considering starting one for Rockers Online eventually).
You should also see more activity over the next few weeks, since I'm going to at least 6 concerts this summer alone. The first was Rush last Monday night (7/23) at the Hollywood Bowl, followed by Dream Theater at the Gibson Amphitheater on Friday (7/27). Tonight I'm heading to the House of Blues Sunset Strip to see Symphony X. I hope to post reviews of all 3 shows soon, although they could be delayed since I'm flying to New York for over a week on Thursday. Also look for more reviews of Asia (I'm going to 3 different shows in August) over the next few weeks, and there are several shows coming up in September and October too that I'm hoping to get to. I should be able to do more updates too over the next few weeks, up until I get sucked back in to the black hole that is USC. Although I'd like to think I could continue to update the site once classes start past experience has proven that to be difficult, so I can't make any promises.
Meanwhile, I'll do as much as I can. You might see Night Ranger as featured artist for a while, since a side effect to making things database driven is that it is now a lot more difficult for me to download the database and edit it manually, and I haven't gotten around to writing the page to maintain the featured artist. If I have some time before classes start I'll fix that. The new Night Ranger cd, Hole In The Sun , is finally available, BTW. But hopefully you'll see at least a couple more new band pages go up, along with a lot more news, and concert reviews.
Posted by Sharan Volin on Tuesday, July 31, 2007 at 22:00


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